Social CRM can improve a company’s marketing ROI because sales people better understand what prospects want by being engaged via social media. The more social CRM analytics sales people have access to, the better. Social CRM equips sales teams with an integrated view of online conversations with customers and prospects. This holistic view provides very relevant information crucial to sales and prospect conversion and allows Marketers to engage with prospects much earlier in the sales funnel. They meet them at a pivotal point of need and gain insight into their thoughts, desires and behavior sooner and shorten the conversion cycle. Additionally, the effectiveness of a business’ marketing strategy is easier to measure and adjust within this system.
Social CRM can fortify and build a brand by providing greater authenticity, accountability and immediacy. Businesses with Social CRMs more easily form customer relationships as trust is established via repeated positive social interactions with customers. These relationships tend to be more enduring, built faster and with less expense. Businesses with a Social CRM philosophy and strategy enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship with their customer that is supported by social technology, business rules, workflows and protocols. Customers are empowered through greater access to a business and expressed opinions, while the business gains incredible insight to guide their decisions around products and services. As a result, brand advocates are more readily borne out with Social CRMs
Companies with Social CRMs can improve the effectiveness of their marketing with better insight into customer desires and needs. This insight can reveal opportunities for exploring new market segments. By dissecting your social media software analytics, you can uncover new markets, previously unknown.
Businesses with sound Social CRM strategies that include effective content and campaigns will see a huge increase in the volume of leads generated, and highly qualified leads. Furthermore, with Social CRM, lead nurturing is improved as it provides valuable insight into who to target, when and how.
Using a Social CRM, a business can track a customer’s progress and location within the sales funnel. With this information, the sales team can create customized experience tailored to a customer, rather than relying on the blanket approach of traditional CRM. This personalized approach shortens the sales process and lays the groundwork for a more positive customer experience. Using Social CRM has proven to
increase the productivity of sales people by 26 percent. Customers have more direct access to businesses that are active on social media. Questions and problems are resolved more quickly, which improves overall consumer satisfaction. With a Social CRM, a business can manage this dialogue more smoothly and allow your team to interact directly with customers instead of relying on automated systems, call centers and other less immediate avenues. Using a social CRM, a business can respond sooner to intercept and address issues before they get out of hand. Reduce your customer response time and you’ll increase customer loyalty. As one
study shows, the average person using social media for customer service will spend 212% more if the service is “excellent.”